Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend random shots

This is how we started off the weekend, like we start every day in the Gefurstamiller household. I do the first feeding of the day (well, the first feeding in daylight) in the kitchen and then entertain the boys and act like a crazy person for an hour or so. On this particular morning we did ab out 20 rounds of itsy bitsy spider (their current favorite) followed by a dozen rudolph the red-nosed reindeers, and then many many many silent nights to fall asleep to.

The Thanksgiving table. We had our friends Evan and Jessica and their son Oscar over so it was five adults and three babies total. We have never had such an intimate Thanksgiving holiday but I have to say it was one of my favorites -- incredible gourmet food, lots of wine, and card playing into the evening. 

Jessica and Oscar sitting at the table. 
A post-Thanksgiving walk at Seward Park near our house. 

We wanted to go on our first cross-country ski adventure all weekend but just weren't able to make it happen. Instead, we made sure we are all geared up for the snow this season. Marc bought a new set of skis and here is Louis showing off his new fleece hat. 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Roughing it in the City

Friday night after a long walk, some shopping and a quick bite we found ourselves parked halfway on the sidewalk and halfway in a driveway with the flashers on and the boys being fed. They kind of melted down in the restaurant and we had to leave in a hurry. Even the car couldn't calm them. So their we were walking up and down the party street of Ballard burping and rocking our kids back to a calm state.

Here's the picture. Louis is the one in the bear suit. I'm the other guy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday photoshoot

I took advantage of both boys being alert and happy -- which is rare -- to do a Friday afternoon photoshoot. Note the beautiful quilt in the background is one of two that our dear friend Ann Grodnik made for them.

Distinguishing features

One of the great things about being the parent of twins is appreciating just how different two babies at this age can be. Here Louis is sleeping in his carseat after eating (on the kitchen counter, where I feed them every morning). He has the most beautiful, expressive hands that always want to be free and always are splayed out in different ways. We call him the escape artist because he breaks them free of his swaddle every night and this morning even had one coming out of the neck of his pyjamas. 

A little embarrassing... I need to cut his nails!

We have watched Pascal go from skinny six pounder with skin hanging off his knees to a hefty 12 pounds at two months. Doubling his weight also comes with dimples and folds all over his body and the cutest little thighs I've ever seen. These photos don't really do them justice.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two months!

Pascal and Louis turned two months on Tuesday, celebrating with an all night party that kept everyone awake. Luckily they're cute! (Pascal in stripes, Louis in white.)

Friday, November 11, 2011

The family taking over

So we flew down to SF for my auntie Dee's and her man Plumba Chris' commitment ceremony. While down here, all the family has taken many of our duties from us and, well, we're pretty happy about it. Here we have Nonna Elaine and cousin Chasta feeding both boys and cousin Jay with Pascal.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

And away we go...

What do you get when you have 24 baby outfits, two car seats, 30 burp cloths, a double stroller and a helluva lot more? A trip to San Francisco! Auntie Dee and Uncle Chris are finally tying the knot on 11/11/11 and we'll celebrating and introducing the boys to the entire Michaelis/Chistianson clan.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Babies and Brews

The boys were insistent that we go to get some really good appetizers and beer. And in spite of our objections Aunt Shawn, her friends Adriane and Tiago and I found ourselves with beers in our hands and smiles on our faces.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I'm laying around playing balderdash with some friends and suddenly found myself buried under a pile of babies. I'm not sure if I want to be rescued.


A typical feed with Pascal and Louis starts with raucous screaming and ends something like this. Because we are supplementing their meals with formula (I pump eight times a day to produce enough breast milk for about 1.2 babies), they know no limits when it comes to food. I love this photo of Louis practicing for his mug shot.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Smiles from Pascal

Pascal decided to redeem himself from yesterday's incessant fussing by smiling up a storm this morning. Here are a few shots.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Morning walk

What to do with two screaming, well-fed, burped, dry-diaper babies? A walk, of course. I have a feeling I am going to be getting a lot of exercise this fall and winter. This is my first day solo with the kids at almost seven weeks. Wish me luck!