Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Portrait of the Actor

Louis Ermete Furst has become a household name. His acting career is a result of hard work and a charm no one can match. He has always said his family's support has been a key ingredient to his success. But don't be fooled by his humility, he has worked hard. His craftsmanship and artistry gained recognition in his role as mother Teresa. "I hope to someday reach that level of acting." said Mr. Clooney. "And these achievements at such a young age. Definitely someone to watch in the coming years."
"Seeing my family every Christmas is very important to me. It really grounds me."

Mr. Furst practicing faces in his studio. 
A scene from
"Mother Teresa: Big Things in Little Packages"
 and his unforgettable role as Mother Teresa. 
Louis Furst and his acting coach Larry "GP" Miller
hard at work

Mr. Furst with his brother, Pascal Theodore Furst.

When asked about his relationship with Pascal, Mr. Furst replied, "We've known each other for only 4 months, but it feels like a lifetime."
His role as Yoda in "Star Wars,  Episode 0"
Not afraid to bare it all for his craft,
Mr. Furst refuses to use a body double.

Though it was cut from the movie,
Louis Furst's role in "Swingers"
is reported to be in the extended
Director's cut coming out this summer.

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